sunnuntai 20. marraskuuta 2011

About cosplay

I've wanted to post some cosplay pictures for some time now. I've been having a break from cosplay since 2009 although I did fix my Ashe costume and wore it again in Desucon 2010. But I haven't made a new costume for almost three years now so these pictures feel old as hell. I find my self critisizing every little thing in these costumes cause I know I could make them so much better today. In any case I wanted to show them because I feel that there's something I've learned through making these costumes.

Ashe from FFXII. The smallest skirt I've ever worn. 
(Pictures (c) Berry-Summer.blogspot)

Ashelin from Jak game series.
(Picture (c) Maija, Or was it?)

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